2023-07-02 11:14:22 +02:00

72 lines
2.7 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module StatusSafeReblogInsert
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
# This is a hack to ensure that no reblogs of discarded statuses are created,
# as this cannot be enforced through database constraints the same way we do
# for reblogs of deleted statuses.
# To achieve this, we redefine the internal method responsible for issuing
# the "INSERT" statement and replace the "INSERT INTO ... VALUES ..." query
# with an "INSERT INTO ... SELECT ..." query with a "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
# clause on the reblogged status to ensure consistency at the database level.
# Otherwise, the code is kept as close as possible to ActiveRecord::Persistence
# code, and actually calls it if we are not handling a reblog.
def _insert_record(values)
return super unless values.is_a?(Hash) && values['reblog_of_id'].present?
primary_key = self.primary_key
primary_key_value = nil
if primary_key
primary_key_value = values[primary_key]
if !primary_key_value && prefetch_primary_key?
primary_key_value = next_sequence_value
values[primary_key] = primary_key_value
# The following line is where we differ from stock ActiveRecord implementation
im = _compile_reblog_insert(values)
# Since we are using SELECT instead of VALUES, a non-error `nil` return is possible.
# For our purposes, it's equivalent to a foreign key constraint violation
result = connection.insert(im, "#{self} Create", primary_key || false, primary_key_value)
raise ActiveRecord::InvalidForeignKey, "(reblog_of_id)=(#{values['reblog_of_id']}) is not present in table \"statuses\"" if result.nil?
def _compile_reblog_insert(values)
# This is somewhat equivalent to the following code of ActiveRecord::Persistence:
# `arel_table.compile_insert(_substitute_values(values))`
# The main difference is that we use a `SELECT` instead of a `VALUES` clause,
# which means we have to build the `SELECT` clause ourselves and do a bit more
# manual work.
# Instead of using Arel::InsertManager#values, we are going to use Arel::InsertManager#select
im = Arel::InsertManager.new
binds = []
reblog_bind = nil
values.each do |name, value|
attr = arel_table[name]
bind = predicate_builder.build_bind_attribute(attr.name, value)
im.columns << attr
binds << bind
reblog_bind = bind if name == 'reblog_of_id'