2017-10-14 00:58:38 +02:00

375 lines
11 KiB

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import Button from '../../../components/button';
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
import Atrament from 'atrament'; // the doodling library
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import { doodleSet, uploadCompose } from '../../../actions/compose';
import IconButton from '../../../components/icon_button';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
// palette nicked from MyPaint, CC0
const palette = [
['rgb( 0, 0, 0)', 'Black'],
['rgb( 38, 38, 38)', 'Gray 15'],
['rgb( 77, 77, 77)', 'Grey 30'],
['rgb(128, 128, 128)', 'Grey 50'],
['rgb(171, 171, 171)', 'Grey 67'],
['rgb(217, 217, 217)', 'Grey 85'],
['rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'White'],
['rgb(128, 0, 0)', 'Maroon'],
['rgb(209, 0, 0)', 'English-red'],
['rgb(255, 54, 34)', 'Tomato'],
['rgb(252, 60, 3)', 'Orange-red'],
['rgb(255, 140, 105)', 'Salmon'],
['rgb(252, 232, 32)', 'Cadium-yellow'],
['rgb(243, 253, 37)', 'Lemon yellow'],
['rgb(121, 5, 35)', 'Dark crimson'],
['rgb(169, 32, 62)', 'Deep carmine'],
['rgb(255, 140, 0)', 'Orange'],
['rgb(255, 168, 18)', 'Dark tangerine'],
['rgb(217, 144, 88)', 'Persian orange'],
['rgb(194, 178, 128)', 'Sand'],
['rgb(255, 229, 180)', 'Peach'],
['rgb(100, 54, 46)', 'Bole'],
['rgb(108, 41, 52)', 'Dark cordovan'],
['rgb(163, 65, 44)', 'Chestnut'],
['rgb(228, 136, 100)', 'Dark salmon'],
['rgb(255, 195, 143)', 'Apricot'],
['rgb(255, 219, 188)', 'Unbleached silk'],
['rgb(242, 227, 198)', 'Straw'],
['rgb( 53, 19, 13)', 'Bistre'],
['rgb( 84, 42, 14)', 'Dark chocolate'],
['rgb(102, 51, 43)', 'Burnt sienna'],
['rgb(184, 66, 0)', 'Sienna'],
['rgb(216, 153, 12)', 'Yellow ochre'],
['rgb(210, 180, 140)', 'Tan'],
['rgb(232, 204, 144)', 'Dark wheat'],
['rgb( 0, 49, 83)', 'Prussian blue'],
['rgb( 48, 69, 119)', 'Dark grey blue'],
['rgb( 0, 71, 171)', 'Cobalt blue'],
['rgb( 31, 117, 254)', 'Blue'],
['rgb(120, 180, 255)', 'Bright french blue'],
['rgb(171, 200, 255)', 'Bright steel blue'],
['rgb(208, 231, 255)', 'Ice blue'],
['rgb( 30, 51, 58)', 'Medium jungle green'],
['rgb( 47, 79, 79)', 'Dark slate grey'],
['rgb( 74, 104, 93)', 'Dark grullo green'],
['rgb( 0, 128, 128)', 'Teal'],
['rgb( 67, 170, 176)', 'Turquoise'],
['rgb(109, 174, 199)', 'Cerulean frost'],
['rgb(173, 217, 186)', 'Tiffany green'],
['rgb( 22, 34, 29)', 'Gray-asparagus'],
['rgb( 36, 48, 45)', 'Medium dark teal'],
['rgb( 74, 104, 93)', 'Xanadu'],
['rgb(119, 198, 121)', 'Mint'],
['rgb(175, 205, 182)', 'Timberwolf'],
['rgb(185, 245, 246)', 'Celeste'],
['rgb(193, 255, 234)', 'Aquamarine'],
['rgb( 29, 52, 35)', 'Cal Poly Pomona'],
['rgb( 1, 68, 33)', 'Forest green'],
['rgb( 42, 128, 0)', 'Napier green'],
['rgb(128, 128, 0)', 'Olive'],
['rgb( 65, 156, 105)', 'Sea green'],
['rgb(189, 246, 29)', 'Green-yellow'],
['rgb(231, 244, 134)', 'Bright chartreuse'],
['rgb(138, 23, 137)', 'Purple'],
['rgb( 78, 39, 138)', 'Violet'],
['rgb(193, 75, 110)', 'Dark thulian pink'],
['rgb(222, 49, 99)', 'Cerise'],
['rgb(255, 20, 147)', 'Deep pink'],
['rgb(255, 102, 204)', 'Rose pink'],
['rgb(255, 203, 219)', 'Pink'],
['rgb(255, 255, 255)', 'White'],
['rgb(229, 17, 1)', 'RGB Red'],
['rgb( 0, 255, 0)', 'RGB Green'],
['rgb( 0, 0, 255)', 'RGB Blue'],
['rgb( 0, 255, 255)', 'CMYK Cyan'],
['rgb(255, 0, 255)', 'CMYK Magenta'],
['rgb(255, 255, 0)', 'CMYK Yellow'],
// re-arrange to the right order for display
let palReordered = [];
for (let row = 0; row < 7; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < 11; col++) {
palReordered.push(palette[col * 7 + row]);
palReordered.push(null); // null indicates a <br />
// Utility for converting base64 image to binary for upload
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35940290/how-to-convert-base64-string-to-javascript-file-object-like-as-from-file-input-f
function dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
let arr = dataurl.split(','), mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
bstr = atob(arr[1]), n = bstr.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
return new File([u8arr], filename, { type: mime });
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
options: state.getIn(['compose', 'doodle']),
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
setOpt: (opts) => dispatch(doodleSet(opts)),
submit: (file) => dispatch(uploadCompose([file])),
@connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
export default class DoodleModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static propTypes = {
options: ImmutablePropTypes.map,
onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
setOpt: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
submit: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
//region Option getters/setters
get fg () {
return this.props.options.get('fg');
set fg (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ fg: value });
get bg () {
return this.props.options.get('bg');
set bg (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ bg: value });
get mode () {
return this.props.options.get('mode');
set mode (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ mode: value });
get weight () {
return this.props.options.get('weight');
set weight (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ weight: value });
get opacity () {
return this.props.options.get('opacity');
set opacity (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ opacity: value });
get adaptiveStroke () {
return this.props.options.get('adaptiveStroke');
set adaptiveStroke (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ adaptiveStroke: value });
get smoothing () {
return this.props.options.get('smoothing');
set smoothing (value) {
this.props.setOpt({ smoothing: value });
handleKeyUp = (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Delete' || e.key === 'Backspace') {
if (e.key === 'z' && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
componentDidMount () {
window.addEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp, false);
componentWillUnmount () {
window.removeEventListener('keyup', this.handleKeyUp, false);
clearScreen = () => {
this.sketcher.context.fillStyle = this.bg;
this.sketcher.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.undos = [];
handleDone = () => {
const dataUrl = this.sketcher.toImage();
const file = dataURLtoFile(dataUrl, 'doodle.png');
updateSketcherSettings () {
if (!this.sketcher) return;
this.sketcher.color = this.fg;
this.sketcher.opacity = this.opacity;
this.sketcher.weight = this.weight;
this.sketcher.mode = this.mode;
this.sketcher.smoothing = this.smoothing;
this.sketcher.adaptiveStroke = this.adaptiveStroke;
initSketcher (elem) {
this.sketcher = new Atrament(elem, 500, 500);
this.mode = 'draw'; // Reset mode - it's confusing if left at 'fill'
setCanvasRef = (elem) => {
this.canvas = elem;
if (elem) {
elem.addEventListener('dirty', () => {
this.sketcher._dirty = false;
elem.addEventListener('click', () => {
// sketcher bug - does not fire dirty on fill
if (this.mode === 'fill') {
onPaletteClick = (e) => {
this.fg = e.target.dataset.color;
setModeDraw = (e) => {
this.mode = 'draw';
setModeFill = (e) => {
this.mode = 'fill';
tglSmooth = (e) => {
this.smoothing = !this.smoothing;
tglAdaptive = (e) => {
this.adaptiveStroke = !this.adaptiveStroke;
setWeight = (e) => {
this.weight = +e.target.value || 1;
undo = () => {
if (this.undos.length > 1) {
const buf = this.undos.pop();
this.sketcher.context.putImageData(buf, 0, 0);
doSaveUndo = () => {
this.undos.push(this.sketcher.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height));
saveUndo = debounce(() => {
}, 100);
render () {
return (
<div className='modal-root__modal doodle-modal'>
<div className='doodle-modal__container'>
<canvas ref={this.setCanvasRef} />
<div className='doodle-modal__action-bar'>
<Button text='Done' onClick={this.handleDone} />
<div className='filler' />
<div className='doodle-toolbar with-inputs'>
<label htmlFor='dd_smoothing'>Smoothing</label>
<span className='val'>
<input type='checkbox' id='dd_smoothing' onChange={this.tglSmooth} checked={this.smoothing} />
<label htmlFor='dd_adaptive'>Adaptive</label>
<span className='val'>
<input type='checkbox' id='dd_adaptive' onChange={this.tglAdaptive} checked={this.adaptiveStroke} />
<label htmlFor='dd_weight'>Weight</label>
<span className='val'>
<input type='number' min={1} id='dd_weight' value={this.weight} onChange={this.setWeight} />
<div className='doodle-toolbar'>
<IconButton icon='pencil' label='Draw' onClick={this.setModeDraw} size={18} active={this.mode === 'draw'} inverted />
<IconButton icon='bath' label='Fill' onClick={this.setModeFill} size={18} active={this.mode === 'fill'} inverted />
<IconButton icon='undo' label='Undo' onClick={this.undo} size={18} inverted />
<IconButton icon='trash' label='Clear' onClick={this.clearScreen} size={18} inverted />
<div className='doodle-palette'>
palReordered.map((c, i) =>
c === null ?
<br key={i} /> :
style={{ backgroundColor: c[0] }}
className={this.fg === c[0] ? 'selected' : ''}