/* `<ComposeAdvancedOptionsToggle>` ================================ > For more information on the contents of this file, please contact: > > - surinna [@srn@dev.glitch.social] This creates the toggle used by `<ComposeAdvancedOptions>`. __Props:__ - __`onChange` (`PropTypes.func`) :__ This provides the function to call when the toggle is (de-?)activated. - __`active` (`PropTypes.bool`) :__ This prop controls whether the toggle is currently active or not. - __`name` (`PropTypes.string`) :__ This identifies the toggle, and is sent to `onChange()` when it is called. - __`shortText` (`PropTypes.string`) :__ This is a short string used as the title of the toggle. - __`longText` (`PropTypes.string`) :__ This is a longer string used as a subtitle for the toggle. */ // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /* Imports: -------- */ // Package imports // import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import Toggle from 'react-toggle'; // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /* Implementation: --------------- */ export default class ComposeAdvancedOptionsToggle extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired, active: PropTypes.bool.isRequired, name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, shortText: PropTypes.string.isRequired, longText: PropTypes.string.isRequired, } /* ### `onToggle()` The `onToggle()` function simply calls the `onChange()` prop with the toggle's `name`. */ onToggle = () => { this.props.onChange(this.props.name); } /* ### `render()` The `render()` function is used to render our component. We just render a `<Toggle>` and place next to it our text. */ render() { const { active, shortText, longText } = this.props; return ( <div role='button' tabIndex='0' className='advanced-options-dropdown__option' onClick={this.onToggle}> <div className='advanced-options-dropdown__option__toggle'> <Toggle checked={active} onChange={this.onToggle} /> </div> <div className='advanced-options-dropdown__option__content'> <strong>{shortText}</strong> {longText} </div> </div> ); } }