import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Toggle from 'react-toggle'; import { IconButton } from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon_button'; import { pollLimits } from 'flavours/glitch/initial_state'; import AttachFileIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/attach_file.svg?react'; import BrushIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/brush.svg?react'; import CodeIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/code.svg?react'; import DescriptionIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/description.svg?react'; import InsertChartIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/insert_chart.svg?react'; import MarkdownIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/markdown.svg?react'; import MoreHorizIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/more_horiz.svg?react'; import UploadFileIcon from 'mastodon/../material-icons/400-24px/upload_file.svg?react'; import DropdownContainer from '../containers/dropdown_container'; import LanguageDropdown from '../containers/language_dropdown_container'; import PrivacyDropdownContainer from '../containers/privacy_dropdown_container'; import TextIconButton from './text_icon_button'; const messages = defineMessages({ advanced_options_icon_title: { defaultMessage: 'Advanced options', id: 'advanced_options.icon_title', }, attach: { defaultMessage: 'Attach...', id: 'compose.attach', }, content_type: { defaultMessage: 'Content type', id: 'content-type.change', }, doodle: { defaultMessage: 'Draw something', id: 'compose.attach.doodle', }, html: { defaultMessage: 'HTML', id: 'compose.content-type.html', }, local_only_long: { defaultMessage: 'Do not post to other instances', id: 'advanced_options.local-only.long', }, local_only_short: { defaultMessage: 'Local-only', id: 'advanced_options.local-only.short', }, markdown: { defaultMessage: 'Markdown', id: 'compose.content-type.markdown', }, plain: { defaultMessage: 'Plain text', id: 'compose.content-type.plain', }, spoiler: { defaultMessage: 'Hide text behind warning', id: 'compose_form.spoiler', }, threaded_mode_long: { defaultMessage: 'Automatically opens a reply on posting', id: 'advanced_options.threaded_mode.long', }, threaded_mode_short: { defaultMessage: 'Threaded mode', id: 'advanced_options.threaded_mode.short', }, upload: { defaultMessage: 'Upload a file', id: 'compose.attach.upload', }, add_poll: { defaultMessage: 'Add a poll', id: 'poll_button.add_poll', }, remove_poll: { defaultMessage: 'Remove poll', id: 'poll_button.remove_poll', }, }); const mapStateToProps = (state, { name }) => ({ checked: state.getIn(['compose', 'advanced_options', name]), }); class ToggleOptionImpl extends ImmutablePureComponent { static propTypes = { name: PropTypes.string.isRequired, checked: PropTypes.bool, onChangeAdvancedOption: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; handleChange = () => { this.props.onChangeAdvancedOption(; }; render() { const { meta, text, checked } = this.props; return ( <>
{text} {meta}
); } } const ToggleOption = connect(mapStateToProps)(ToggleOptionImpl); class ComposerOptions extends ImmutablePureComponent { static propTypes = { acceptContentTypes: PropTypes.string, advancedOptions:, disabled: PropTypes.bool, allowMedia: PropTypes.bool, allowPoll: PropTypes.bool, hasPoll: PropTypes.bool, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, onChangeAdvancedOption: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onChangeContentType: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onTogglePoll: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onDoodleOpen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onToggleSpoiler: PropTypes.func, onUpload: PropTypes.func.isRequired, contentType: PropTypes.string, resetFileKey: PropTypes.number, spoiler: PropTypes.bool, showContentTypeChoice: PropTypes.bool, isEditing: PropTypes.bool, }; handleChangeFiles = ({ target: { files } }) => { const { onUpload } = this.props; if (files.length) { onUpload(files); } }; handleClickAttach = (name) => { const { fileElement } = this; const { onDoodleOpen } = this.props; switch (name) { case 'upload': if (fileElement) {; } return; case 'doodle': onDoodleOpen(); return; } }; handleRefFileElement = (fileElement) => { this.fileElement = fileElement; }; renderToggleItemContents = (item) => { const { onChangeAdvancedOption } = this.props; const { name, meta, text } = item; return ; }; render () { const { acceptContentTypes, advancedOptions, contentType, disabled, allowMedia, allowPoll, hasPoll, onChangeAdvancedOption, onChangeContentType, onTogglePoll, onToggleSpoiler, resetFileKey, spoiler, showContentTypeChoice, isEditing, intl: { formatMessage }, } = this.props; const contentTypeItems = { plain: { icon: 'file-text', iconComponent: DescriptionIcon, name: 'text/plain', text: formatMessage(messages.plain), }, html: { icon: 'code', iconComponent: CodeIcon, name: 'text/html', text: formatMessage(messages.html), }, markdown: { icon: 'arrow-circle-down', iconComponent: MarkdownIcon, name: 'text/markdown', text: formatMessage(messages.markdown), }, }; // The result. return (
{!!pollLimits && ( )} {showContentTypeChoice && ( )} {onToggleSpoiler && ( )}
); } } export default injectIntl(ComposerOptions);