2024-05-19 19:22:48 +02:00

121 lines
4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# filter_interfaces function
filter_interfaces() {
# This function takes a list of network interfaces as input and filters
# out loopback interfaces, interfaces without a MAC address, and addresses
# with a "link" scope or marked as dynamic (from DHCP or router
# advertisements). The filtered interfaces are returned one by one on stdout.
local network=("$@")
for net in "${network[@]}"; do
local link_type="$(jq -r '.link_type' <<< "$net")"
local address="$(jq -r '.address // ""' <<< "$net")"
local addr_info="$(jq -r '.addr_info | map(select(.scope != "link" and (.dynamic | not)))' <<< "$net")"
local has_dynamic_address=$(jq -r '.addr_info | any(.dynamic)' <<< "$net")
# echo "Link Type: $link_type -- Address: $address -- Has Dynamic Address: $has_dynamic_address -- Addr Info: $addr_info"
if [[ "$link_type" != "loopback" && -n "$address" && ("$addr_info" != "[]" || "$has_dynamic_address" == "true") ]]; then
net=$(jq -c --argjson addr_info "$addr_info" '.addr_info = $addr_info' <<< "$net")
echo "$net" # "return"
# filter_routes function
filter_routes() {
# This function takes a list of routes as input and filters out routes
# with protocols "dhcp", "kernel", or "ra". The filtered routes are
# returned one by one on stdout.
local routes=("$@")
for route in "${routes[@]}"; do
local protocol=$(jq -r '.protocol' <<< "$route")
if [[ $protocol != "dhcp" && $protocol != "kernel" && $protocol != "ra" ]]; then
echo "$route" # "return"
# generate_networkd_units function
generate_networkd_units() {
# This function takes the filtered interfaces and routes, along with a
# directory path. It generates systemd-networkd unit files for each interface,
# including the configured addresses and routes. The unit files are written
# to the specified directory with the naming convention 00-<ifname>.network.
local -n interfaces=$1
local -n routes=$2
local directory="$3"
mkdir -p "$directory"
for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do
local ifname=$(jq -r '.ifname' <<< "$interface")
local address=$(jq -r '.address' <<< "$interface")
local addresses=$(jq -r '.addr_info | map("Address = \(.local)/\(.prefixlen)") | join("\n")' <<< "$interface")
local route_sections=()
for route in "${routes[@]}"; do
local dev=$(jq -r '.dev' <<< "$route")
if [[ $dev == $ifname ]]; then
local route_section="[Route]"
local dst=$(jq -r '.dst' <<< "$route")
if [[ $dst != "default" ]]; then
route_section+="\nDestination = $dst"
local gateway=$(jq -r '.gateway // ""' <<< "$route")
if [[ -n $gateway ]]; then
route_section+="\nGateway = $gateway"
local unit=$(cat <<-EOF
MACAddress = $address
DHCP = yes
LLDP = yes
IPv6AcceptRA = yes
MulticastDNS = yes
$(printf '%s\n' "${route_sections[@]}")
echo -e "$unit" > "$directory/00-$"
# main function
main() {
if [[ $# -lt 4 ]]; then
echo "USAGE: $0 addresses routes-v4 routes-v6 networkd-directory" >&2
# exit 1
return 1
local addresses
readarray -t addresses < <(jq -c '.[]' "$1") # Read JSON data into array
local v4_routes
readarray -t v4_routes < <(jq -c '.[]' "$2")
local v6_routes
readarray -t v6_routes < <(jq -c '.[]' "$3")
local networkd_directory="$4"
local relevant_interfaces
readarray -t relevant_interfaces < <(filter_interfaces "${addresses[@]}")
local relevant_routes
readarray -t relevant_routes < <(filter_routes "${v4_routes[@]}" "${v6_routes[@]}")
generate_networkd_units relevant_interfaces relevant_routes "$networkd_directory"
main "$@"