#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -p nixos-generators -p nix -p coreutils -p bash -p gh -i bash # shellcheck shell=bash set -xeuo pipefail build_netboot_image() { declare -r tag=$1 arch=$2 tmp=$3 img=$(nix-build --no-out-link -I "nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${tag}.tar.gz" '' -A "netboot.$arch") ln -s "$img/bzImage" "$tmp/bzImage-$arch" echo "$tmp/bzImage-$arch" ln -s "$img/initrd" "$tmp/initrd-$arch" echo "$tmp/initrd-$arch" sed -e "s!^kernel bzImage!kernel https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images/releases/download/${tag}/bzImage-${arch}!" \ -e "s!^initrd initrd!initrd https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images/releases/download/${tag}/initrd-${arch}!" \ -e "s!initrd=initrd!initrd=initrd-${arch}!" \ < "$img/netboot.ipxe" \ > "$tmp/netboot-$arch.ipxe" echo "$tmp/netboot-$arch.ipxe" } build_kexec_bundle() { declare -r tag=$1 arch=$2 tmp=$3 # the default configuration conflicts with the kexec bundle configuration echo "{}" > "$tmp/config.nix" nixos-generate -o "$tmp/kexec-bundle-$arch" -c "$tmp/config.nix" -f kexec-bundle -I "nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${tag}.tar.gz" echo "$tmp/kexec-bundle-$arch" } main() { declare -r tag=${1:-nixos-unstable} arch=${2:-x86_64-linux} tmp="$(mktemp -d)" trap 'rm -rf -- "$tmp"' EXIT readarray -t assets < <( build_kexec_bundle "$tag" "$arch" "$tmp" build_netboot_image "$tag" "$arch" "$tmp" ) for asset in "${assets[@]}"; do pushd "$(dirname "$asset")" sha256sum "$(basename "$asset")" >> "$TMP/sha256sums" popd done assets+=("$TMP/sha256sums") # Since we cannot atomically update a release, we delete the old one before gh release delete "$tag"