#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.0" notfidedBy="Radarr" arrRootFolderPath="$(dirname "$radarr_movie_path")" arrFolderPath="$radarr_movie_path" arrEventType="$radarr_eventtype" movieExtrasPath="$1" # Debugging Settings enableExtras=true # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/PlexNotify.txt" ]; then find /config/logs -type f -name "PlexNotify.txt" -size +1024k -delete fi if [ ! -f "/config/logs/PlexNotify.txt" ]; then touch "/config/logs/PlexNotify.txt" chmod 777 "/config/logs/PlexNotify.txt" fi exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/PlexNotify.txt") log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: PlexNotify :: $scriptVersion :: "$1 } if [ "$enableExtras" == "true" ]; then if [ -z "$movieExtrasPath" ]; then log "MovieExtras script is enabled, skipping..." exit fi if [ ! -z "$movieExtrasPath" ]; then arrFolderPath="$movieExtrasPath" arrRootFolderPath="$(dirname "$movieExtrasPath")" fi fi if [ "$arrEventType" == "Test" ]; then log "$notfidedBy :: Tested Successfully" exit 0 fi PlexConnectionError () { log "ERROR :: Cannot communicate with Plex" log "ERROR :: Please check your plexUrl and plexToken" log "ERROR :: Configured plexUrl \"$plexUrl\"" log "ERROR :: Configured plexToken \"$plexToken\"" log "ERROR :: Exiting..." exit } # Validate connection if curl -s "$plexUrl/?X-Plex-Token=$plexToken" | xq . &>/dev/null; then plexVersion=$(curl -s "$plexUrl/?X-Plex-Token=$plexToken" | xq . | jq -r '.MediaContainer."@version"') if [ "$plexVersion" == "null" ]; then # Error out if version is null, indicates bad token PlexConnectionError else log "Plex Connection Established, version: $plexVersion" fi else # Error out if error in curl | xq . command output PlexConnectionError fi plexLibraries="$(curl -s "$plexUrl/library/sections?X-Plex-Token=$plexToken")" plexLibraryData=$(echo "$plexLibraries" | xq ".MediaContainer.Directory") if echo "$plexLibraryData" | grep "^\[" | read; then plexLibraryData=$(echo "$plexLibraries" | xq ".MediaContainer.Directory[]") plexKeys=($(echo "$plexLibraries" | xq ".MediaContainer.Directory[]" | jq -r '."@key"')) else plexKeys=($(echo "$plexLibraries" | xq ".MediaContainer.Directory" | jq -r '."@key"')) fi if echo "$plexLibraryData" | grep "\"@path\": \"$arrRootFolderPath" | read; then sleep 0.01 else log "$notfidedBy :: ERROR: No Plex Library found containing path \"$arrRootFolderPath\"" log "$notfidedBy :: ERROR: Add \"$arrRootFolderPath\" as a folder to a Plex Movie Library" exit 1 fi for key in ${!plexKeys[@]}; do plexKey="${plexKeys[$key]}" plexKeyData="$(echo "$plexLibraryData" | jq -r "select(.\"@key\"==\"$plexKey\")")" if echo "$plexKeyData" | grep "\"@path\": \"$arrRootFolderPath" | read; then plexFolderEncoded="$(jq -R -r @uri <<<"$arrFolderPath")" curl -s "$plexUrl/library/sections/$plexKey/refresh?path=$plexFolderEncoded&X-Plex-Token=$plexToken" log "$notfidedBy :: Plex Scan notification sent! ($arrFolderPath)" fi done exit