## SETTINGS enableAutoConfig="true" # true = enabled :: Enables AutoConfig script to run after startup enableExtras="true" # true = enabled :: Enables Extras and AutoExtras scripts to run in the background and during import process enableYoutubeSeriesDownloader="true" # true = enabled :: Enables YoutubeSeriesDownloader script to run enableInvalidSeriesAutoCleaner="true" # true = enabled :: Enables InvalidSeriesAutoCleaner script to run enableDailySeriesEpisodeTrimmer="true" # true = enabled :: Enables DailySeriesEpisodeTrimmer script to run enableRecyclarr="true" # true = enabled :: Enables Recyclarr to run enableQueueCleaner="true" # true = enabled :: Enables QueueCleaner Script that automatically removes stuck downloads that cannot be automatically imported on a 15 minute interval recyclarrConfig="/config/extended/recyclarr.yaml" # Change to a custom yaml file to use your own configuration maximumDailyEpisodes="7" # number of episodes to keep when using DailySeriesEpisodeTrimmer script extrasLanguages="en-US" # Set the desired language for Extras, all languages will be processed... (this is a "," separated list of TMDB language codes, get the code from there sites language opitons, example: en-US) extrasType="all" # all or trailers :: all downloads all available videos (trailers, clips, featurette, etc...) :: trailers only downloads trailers extrasOfficialOnly="false" # true = enabled :: Skips extras that are not considered/marked as Official from TMDB site. videoFormat="bv[width>=1280]+ba" # OPTIONAL - yt-dlp video selection paramater, do not change unless you know what your doing.... plexUrl="" # ONLY used if PlexNotify.bash is used, example: http://x.x.x.x:32400 plexToken="" # ONLY used if PlexNotify.bash is used