#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash scriptVersion="1.2" scriptName="UnmappedFilesCleaner" log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: $scriptName :: $scriptVersion :: "$1 } logfileSetup () { # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" ]; then if find /config/logs -type f -name "$scriptName.txt" -size +1024k | read; then echo "" > /config/logs/$scriptName.txt fi fi if [ ! -f "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" ]; then echo "" > /config/logs/$scriptName.txt chmod 666 "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" fi } # Create Log, start writing... logfileSetup exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt") verifyConfig () { #### Import Settings source /config/extended.conf if [ "$enableUnmappedFilesCleaner" != "true" ]; then log "Script is not enabled, enable by setting enableUnmappedFilesCleaner to \"true\" by modifying the \"/config/extended.conf\" config file..." log "Sleeping (infinity)" sleep infinity fi if [ -z "$unmappedFolderCleanerScriptInterval" ]; then unmappedFolderCleanerScriptInterval="15m" fi } getArrAppInfo () { # Get Arr App information if [ -z "$arrUrl" ] || [ -z "$arrApiKey" ]; then arrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$arrUrlBase" == "null" ]; then arrUrlBase="" else arrUrlBase="/$(echo "$arrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi arrName="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.InstanceName)" arrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" arrPort="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.Port)" arrUrl="${arrPort}${arrUrlBase}" fi } verifyApiAccess () { until false do arrApiTest="" arrApiVersion="" if [ "$arrPort" == "8989" ] || [ "$arrPort" == "7878" ]; then arrApiVersion="v3" elif [ "$arrPort" == "8686" ] || [ "$arrPort" == "8787" ]; then arrApiVersion="v1" fi arrApiTest=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/$arrApiVersion/system/status?apikey=$arrApiKey" | jq -r .instanceName) if [ "$arrApiTest" == "$arrName" ]; then break else log "$arrName is not ready, sleeping until valid response..." sleep 1 fi done } UnmappedFilesCleanerProcess () { log "Finding UnmappedFiles to purge..." OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' unamppedFilesData="$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v1/trackFile?unmapped=true" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: $arrApiKey" | jq -r .[])" unamppedFileIds="$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v1/trackFile?unmapped=true" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Api-Key: $arrApiKey" | jq -r .[].id)" if [ -z "$unamppedFileIds" ]; then log "No unmapped files to process" return fi for id in $(echo "$unamppedFileIds"); do unmappedFilePath=$(echo "$unamppedFilesData" | jq -r ". | select(.id==$id)| .path") unmappedFileName=$(basename "$unmappedFilePath") unmappedFileDirectory=$(dirname "$unmappedFilePath") if [ -d "$unmappedFileDirectory" ]; then log "Deleting \"$unmappedFileDirectory\"" rm -rf "$unmappedFileDirectory" fi log "Removing $unmappedFileName ($id) entry from lidarr..." lidarrCommand=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v1/trackFile/$id" -X DELETE -H "X-Api-Key: $arrApiKey") done } # Loop Script for (( ; ; )); do let i++ logfileSetup log "Script starting..." verifyConfig getArrAppInfo verifyApiAccess UnmappedFilesCleanerProcess log "Script sleeping for $unmappedFolderCleanerScriptInterval..." sleep $unmappedFolderCleanerScriptInterval done exit