#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LANG=C.UTF-8 TITLESHORT="VPP" scriptVersion=1.0.0 set -e set -o pipefail InstallRequirements () { if [ ! -f "/config/logs/video-pp.txt" ]; then echo "Installing Required Packages..." apk add -U --update --no-cache curl jq python3-dev py3-pip &>/dev/null pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir -U yq &>/dev/null echo "Done" fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/sma/manual.py ]; then echo "************ setup SMA ************" echo "************ setup directory ************" mkdir -p /usr/local/sma echo "************ download repo ************" git clone https://github.com/mdhiggins/sickbeard_mp4_automator.git /usr/local/sma mkdir -p /usr/local/sma/config && \ echo "************ create logging file ************" mkdir -p /usr/local/sma/config && \ touch /usr/local/sma/config/sma.log && \ chgrp users /usr/local/sma/config/sma.log && \ chmod g+w /usr/local/sma/config/sma.log && \ echo "************ install pip dependencies ************" && \ python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip && \ pip3 install -r /usr/local/sma/setup/requirements.txt fi } touch "/config/logs/video-pp.txt" chmod 666 "/config/logs/video-pp.txt" exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/video-pp.txt") function Configuration { log "SABnzbd Job: $jobname" log "SABnzbd Category: $category" log "DOCKER: $TITLE" log "SCRIPT VERSION: $scriptVersion" log "SCRIPT: Video Post Processor ($TITLESHORT)" log "CONFIGURATION VERIFICATION" log "##########################" log "Preferred Audio/Subtitle Languages: ${VIDEO_LANG}" if [ "${RequireLanguage}" = "true" ]; then log "Require Matching Language :: Enabled" else log "Require Matching Language :: Disabled" fi if [ ${VIDEO_SMA} = TRUE ]; then log "$TITLESHORT: Sickbeard MP4 Automator (SMA): ENABLED" if [ ${VIDEO_SMA_TAGGING} = TRUE ]; then tagging="-a" log "Sickbeard MP4 Automator (SMA): Tagging: ENABLED" else tagging="-nt" log "Sickbeard MP4 Automator (SMA): Tagging: DISABLED" fi else log "Sickbeard MP4 Automator (SMA): DISABLED" fi if [ -z "VIDEO_SMA_TAGGING" ]; then VIDEO_SMA_TAGGING=FALSE fi } function log { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: $scriptVersion :: "$1 } VideoLanguageCheck () { count=0 fileCount=$(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(m4v\|wmv\|mkv\|mp4\|avi\)" | wc -l) log "Processing ${fileCount} video files..." find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(m4v\|wmv\|mkv\|mp4\|avi\)" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do count=$(($count+1)) baseFileName="${file%.*}" fileName="$(basename "$file")" extension="${fileName##*.}" log "$count of $fileCount :: Processing $fileName" videoData=$(ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_streams "$file") videoAudioTracksCount=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"audio\") | .index" | wc -l) videoSubtitleTracksCount=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"subtitle\") | .index" | wc -l) log "$count of $fileCount :: $videoAudioTracksCount Audio Tracks Found!" log "$count of $fileCount :: $videoSubtitleTracksCount Subtitle Tracks Found!" videoAudioLanguages=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"audio\") | .tags.language") videoSubtitleLanguages=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"subtitle\") | .tags.language") # Language Check log "$count of $fileCount :: Checking for preferred languages \"$VIDEO_LANG\"" preferredLanguage=false IFS=',' read -r -a filters <<< "$VIDEO_LANG" for filter in "${filters[@]}" do videoAudioTracksLanguageCount=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"audio\") | select(.tags.language==\"${filter}\") | .index" | wc -l) videoSubtitleTracksLanguageCount=$(echo "${videoData}" | jq -r ".streams[] | select(.codec_type==\"subtitle\") | select(.tags.language==\"${filter}\") | .index" | wc -l) log "$count of $fileCount :: $videoAudioTracksLanguageCount \"$filter\" Audio Tracks Found!" log "$count of $fileCount :: $videoSubtitleTracksLanguageCount \"$filter\" Subtitle Tracks Found!" if [ "$preferredLanguage" == "false" ]; then if echo "$videoAudioLanguages" | grep -i "$filter" | read; then preferredLanguage=true elif echo "$videoSubtitleLanguages" | grep -i "$filter" | read; then preferredLanguage=true fi fi done if [ "$preferredLanguage" == "false" ]; then if [ ${VIDEO_SMA} = TRUE ]; then if [ "$smaProcessComplete" == "false" ]; then return fi fi if [ "$RequireLanguage" == "true" ]; then log "$count of $fileCount :: ERROR :: No matching languages found in $(($videoAudioTracksCount + $videoSubtitleTracksCount)) Audio/Subtitle tracks" log "$count of $fileCount :: ERROR :: Disable " rm "$file" && log "INFO: deleted: $fileName" fi fi log "$count of $fileCount :: Processing complete for: ${fileName}!" done } VideoFileCheck () { # check for video files if find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(m4v\|wmv\|mkv\|mp4\|avi\)" | read; then sleep 0.1 else log "ERROR: No video files found for processing" exit 1 fi } VideoSmaProcess (){ count=0 fileCount=$(find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(m4v\|wmv\|mkv\|mp4\|avi\)" | wc -l) log "Processing ${fileCount} video files..." find "$1" -type f -regex ".*/.*\.\(m4v\|wmv\|mkv\|mp4\|avi\)" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do count=$(($count+1)) baseFileName="${file%.*}" fileName="$(basename "$file")" extension="${fileName##*.}" log "$count of $fileCount :: Processing $fileName" if [ -f "$file" ]; then if [ -f /usr/local/sma/config/sma.log ]; then rm /usr/local/sma/config/sma.log fi log "$count of $fileCount :: Processing with SMA..." if [ -f "/config/scripts/configs/$2-sma.ini" ]; then # Manual run of Sickbeard MP4 Automator if python3 /usr/local/sma/manual.py --config "/config/scripts/configs/$2-sma.ini" -i "$file" $tagging; then log "$count of $fileCount :: Complete!" else log "$count of $fileCount :: ERROR :: SMA Processing Error" rm "$file" && log "INFO: deleted: $fileName" fi else log "$count of $fileCount :: ERROR :: SMA Processing Error" log "$count of $fileCount :: ERROR :: \"/config/scripts/configs/$2-sma.ini\" configuration file is missing..." rm "$file" && log "INFO: deleted: $fileName" fi fi done smaProcessComplete="true" } function Main { SECONDS=0 error=0 folderpath="$1" jobname="$3" category="$5" smaProcessComplete="false" Configuration VideoFileCheck "$folderpath" VideoLanguageCheck "$folderpath" VideoFileCheck "$folderpath" if [ ${VIDEO_SMA} = TRUE ]; then VideoSmaProcess "$folderpath" "$category" fi VideoFileCheck "$folderpath" VideoLanguageCheck "$folderpath" VideoFileCheck "$folderpath" duration=$SECONDS echo "Post Processing Completed in $(($duration / 60 )) minutes and $(($duration % 60 )) seconds!" } InstallRequirements Main "$@" exit $?