#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.5" ytdlpExtraOpts="--user-agent facebookexternalhit/1.1" scriptName="YoutubeSeriesDownloader" log () { m_time=`date "+%F %T"` echo $m_time" :: $scriptName :: $scriptVersion :: "$1 } logfileSetup () { # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" ]; then find /config/logs -type f -name "$scriptName.txt" -size +1024k -delete fi if [ ! -f "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" ]; then touch "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" chmod 666 "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt" fi } # Create Log, start writing... logfileSetup exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/$scriptName.txt") verifyConfig () { #### Import Settings source /config/extended.conf if [ "$enableYoutubeSeriesDownloader" != "true" ]; then log "Script is not enabled, enable by setting enableYoutubeSeriesDownloader to \"true\" by modifying the \"/config/extended.conf\" config file..." log "Sleeping (infinity)" sleep infinity fi if [ -z "$youtubeSeriesDownloaderScriptInterval" ]; then youtubeSeriesDownloaderScriptInterval="1h" fi } getArrAppInfo () { # Get Arr App information if [ -z "$arrUrl" ] || [ -z "$arrApiKey" ]; then arrUrlBase="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.UrlBase)" if [ "$arrUrlBase" == "null" ]; then arrUrlBase="" else arrUrlBase="/$(echo "$arrUrlBase" | sed "s/\///g")" fi arrName="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.InstanceName)" arrApiKey="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.ApiKey)" arrPort="$(cat /config/config.xml | xq | jq -r .Config.Port)" arrUrl="${arrPort}${arrUrlBase}" fi } verifyApiAccess () { until false do arrApiTest="" arrApiVersion="" if [ "$arrPort" == "8989" ] || [ "$arrPort" == "7878" ]; then arrApiVersion="v3" elif [ "$arrPort" == "8686" ] || [ "$arrPort" == "8787" ]; then arrApiVersion="v1" fi arrApiTest=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/$arrApiVersion/system/status?apikey=$arrApiKey" | jq -r .instanceName) if [ "$arrApiTest" == "$arrName" ]; then break else log "$arrName is not ready, sleeping until valid response..." sleep 1 fi done } # auto-clean up log file to reduce space usage if [ -f "/config/logs/YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt" ]; then find /config/logs -type f -name "YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt" -size +1024k -delete fi if [ ! -f "/config/logs/YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt" ]; then touch "/config/logs/YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt" chmod 666 "/config/logs/YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt" fi exec &> >(tee -a "/config/logs/YoutubeSeriesDownloader.txt") if [ "$arrEventType" == "Test" ]; then log "Tested Successfully" exit 0 fi CookiesCheck () { # Check for cookies file if [ -f /config/cookies.txt ]; then cookiesFile="/config/cookies.txt" log "Cookies File Found!" else log "Cookies File Not Found!" cookiesFile="" fi } NotifySonarrForImport () { sonarrProcessIt=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/command" --header "X-Api-Key:"${arrApiKey} -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"name\":\"DownloadedEpisodesScan\", \"path\":\"$1\"}") } SonarrTaskStatusCheck () { alerted=no until false do taskCount=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/command?apikey=${arrApiKey}" | jq -r '.[] | select(.status=="started") | .name' | grep -v "RescanFolders" | wc -l) if [ "$taskCount" -ge "1" ]; then if [ "$alerted" == "no" ]; then alerted=yes log "STATUS :: SONARR BUSY :: Pausing/waiting for all active Sonarr tasks to end..." fi sleep 2 else break fi done } YoutubeSeriesDownloaderProcess () { CookiesCheck sonarrSeriesList=$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"${arrApiKey} --request GET "$arrUrl/api/v3/series") sonarrSeriesIds=$(echo "${sonarrSeriesList}" | jq -r '.[] | select(.network=="YouTube") |.id') sonarrSeriesTotal=$(echo "${sonarrSeriesIds}" | wc -l) loopCount=0 for id in $(echo $sonarrSeriesIds); do loopCount=$(( $loopCount + 1 )) seriesId=$id seriesData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/series/$seriesId?apikey=$arrApiKey") seriesTitle=$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .title) seriesTitleDots=$(echo "$seriesTitle" | sed s/\ /./g) seriesTvdbTitleSlug=$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .titleSlug) seriesNetwork=$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .network) seriesEpisodeData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/episode?seriesId=$seriesId&apikey=$arrApiKey") seriesEpisodeTvdbIds=$(echo $seriesEpisodeData | jq -r ".[] | select(.monitored==true) | select(.hasFile==false) | .tvdbId") seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount=$(echo "$seriesEpisodeTvdbIds" | wc -l) currentLoopIteration=0 for episodeId in $(echo $seriesEpisodeTvdbIds); do currentLoopIteration=$(( $currentLoopIteration + 1 )) seriesEpisdodeData=$(echo $seriesEpisodeData | jq -r ".[] | select(.tvdbId==$episodeId)") episodeSeasonNumber=$(echo $seriesEpisdodeData | jq -r .seasonNumber) episodeNumber=$(echo $seriesEpisdodeData | jq -r .episodeNumber) tvdbPageData=$(curl -s "https://thetvdb.com/series/$seriesTvdbTitleSlug/episodes/$episodeId") downloadUrl=$(echo "$tvdbPageData" | grep -i youtube.com | grep -i watch | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*") if [ -z $downloadUrl ]; then network="$(echo "$tvdbPageData" | grep -i "/companies/youtube")" if [ ! -z "$network" ]; then downloadUrl=$(echo "$tvdbPageData" | grep -iws "production code" -A 2 | sed 's/\ //g' | tail -n1) if [ ! -z $downloadUrl ]; then downloadUrl="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$downloadUrl" fi fi fi if [ -z $downloadUrl ]; then log "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: ERROR :: No Download URL found, skipping" continue fi downloadLocation="/config/temp" if [ ! -d $downloadLocation ]; then mkdir $downloadLocation else rm -rf $downloadLocation mkdir $downloadLocation fi fileName="$seriesTitleDots.S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber}.WEB-DL-SonarrExtended" log "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: Downloading via yt-dlp ($videoFormat)..." if [ ! -z "$cookiesFile" ]; then yt-dlp -f "$videoFormat" --no-video-multistreams --cookies "$cookiesFile" -o "$downloadLocation/$fileName" --write-sub --sub-lang $videoLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass $ytdlpExtraOpts "$downloadUrl" else yt-dlp -f "$videoFormat" --no-video-multistreams -o "$downloadLocation/$fileName" --write-sub --sub-lang $videoLanguages --embed-subs --merge-output-format mkv --no-mtime --geo-bypass $ytdlpExtraOpts "$downloadUrl" fi if python3 /usr/local/sma/manual.py --config "/config/extended/sma.ini" -i "$downloadLocation/$fileName.mkv" -nt; then sleep 0.01 log "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: Processed with SMA..." rm /usr/local/sma/config/*log* else og "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: ERROR :: SMA Processing Error" rm "$downloadLocation/$fileName.mkv" log "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: INFO: deleted: $downloadLocation/$fileName.mkv" fi if [ -f "$downloadLocation/$fileName.mkv" ]; then chmod -R 777 $downloadLocation NotifySonarrForImport "$downloadLocation/$fileName.mkv" log "$loopCount/$sonarrSeriesTotal :: $currentLoopIteration/$seriesEpisodeTvdbIdsCount :: $seriesTitle :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: Notified Sonarr to import \"$fileName.mkv\"" fi SonarrTaskStatusCheck done done } for (( ; ; )); do let i++ logfileSetup log "Script starting..." verifyConfig getArrAppInfo verifyApiAccess YoutubeSeriesDownloaderProcess log "Script sleeping for $youtubeSeriesDownloaderScriptInterval..." sleep $youtubeSeriesDownloaderScriptInterval done exit