#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.7" scriptName="InvalidSeriesAutoCleaner" #### Import Settings source /config/extended.conf #### Import Functions source /config/extended/functions #### Create Log File logfileSetup #### Check Arr App getArrAppInfo verifyApiAccess verifyConfig () { if [ "$enableInvalidSeriesAutoCleaner" != "true" ]; then log "Script is not enabled, enable by setting enableInvalidSeriesAutoCleaner to \"true\" by modifying the \"/config/extended.conf\" config file..." log "Sleeping (infinity)" sleep infinity fi if [ -z "$invalidSeriesAutoCleanerScriptInterval" ]; then invalidSeriesAutoCleanerScriptInterval="1h" fi } InvalidSeriesAutoCleanerProcess () { # Get invalid series tvdb id's seriesTvdbId="$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"$arrApiKey --request GET "$arrUrl/api/v3/health" | jq -r '.[] | select(.source=="RemovedSeriesCheck") | select(.type=="error")' | grep "message" | grep -o '[[:digit:]]*')" if [ -z "$seriesTvdbId" ]; then log "No invalid series (tvdbid) reported by Sonarr health check, skipping..." return fi # Process each invalid series tvdb id for tvdbId in $(echo $seriesTvdbId); do seriesData="$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"$arrApiKey --request GET "$arrUrl/api/v3/series" | jq -r ".[] | select(.tvdbId==$tvdbId)")" seriesId="$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .id)" seriesTitle="$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .title)" seriesPath="$(echo "$seriesData" | jq -r .path)" log "$seriesId :: $seriesTitle :: $seriesPath :: Removing and deleting invalid Series (tvdbId: $tvdbId) based on Sonarr Health Check error..." # Send command to Sonarr to delete series and files arrCommand=$(curl -s --header "X-Api-Key:"$arrApiKey --request DELETE "$arrUrl/api/v3/series/$seriesId?deleteFiles=true") # trigger a plex scan to rmeove the deleted series folderToScan="$(dirname "$seriesPath")" log "Using PlexNotify.bash to update Plex.... ($folderToScan)" bash /config/extended/PlexNotify.bash "$folderToScan" "true" done } for (( ; ; )); do let i++ logfileSetup log "Script starting..." verifyConfig getArrAppInfo verifyApiAccess InvalidSeriesAutoCleanerProcess log "Script sleeping for $invalidSeriesAutoCleanerScriptInterval..." sleep $invalidSeriesAutoCleanerScriptInterval done exit