# Readarr (Not ready for use!!!)
## Requirements
Container: https://docs.linuxserver.io/images/docker-readarr
## Installation/setup
1. Add 2 volumes to your container
`/custom-services.d` and `/custom-cont-init.d` (do not map to the same local folder...)
Docker Run Example:
`-v /path/to/preferred/local/folder-01:/custom-services.d`
`-v /path/to/preferred/local/folder-02:/custom-cont-init.d`
3. Download the [script_init.bash](https://github.com/RandomNinjaAtk/arr-scripts/blob/main/sonarr/scripts_init.bash) and place it into the following folder: `/custom-cont-init.d`
4. Start your container and wait for the application to load
5. Optional: Customize the configuration by modifying the following file `/config/extended.conf`
6. Restart the container