#!/usr/bin/env bash scriptVersion="1.4" scriptName="SeriesEpisodeTrimmer" #### Import Settings source /config/extended.conf #### Import Functions source /config/extended/functions #### Create Log File logfileSetup #### Check Arr App getArrAppInfo verifyApiAccess if [ "$enableDailySeriesEpisodeTrimmer" != "true" ]; then log "Script is not enabled, enable by setting enableDailySeriesEpisodeTrimmer to \"true\" by modifying the \"/config/extended.conf\" config file..." log "Sleeping (infinity)" sleep infinity fi if [ "$sonarr_eventtype" == "Test" ]; then log "Tested" exit 0 fi seriesId=$sonarr_series_id seriesData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/series/$seriesId?apikey=$arrApiKey") seriesTitle=$(echo $seriesData | jq -r ".title") seriesType=$(echo $seriesData | jq -r ".seriesType") seriesTags=$(echo $seriesData | jq -r ".tags[]") seriesEpisodeData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/episode?seriesId=$seriesId&apikey=$arrApiKey") seriesEpisodeIds=$(echo "$seriesEpisodeData" | jq -r " . | sort_by(.airDate) | reverse | .[] | select(.hasFile==true) | .id") seriesEpisodeIdsCount=$(echo "$seriesEpisodeIds" | wc -l) # If sonarr series is tagged, match via tag to support series that are not considered daily if [ -z "$sonarrSeriesEpisodeTrimmerTag" ]; then tagMatch="false" else tagMatch="false" for tagId in $seriesTags; do tagLabel="$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/tag/$tagId?apikey=$arrApiKey" | jq -r ".label")" if [ "$sonarrSeriesEpisodeTrimmerTag" == "$tagLabel" ]; then tagMatch="true" break fi done fi # Verify series is marked as "daily" type by sonarr, skip if not... if [ $seriesType != "daily" ] && [ "$tagMatch" == "false" ]; then log "$seriesTitle (ID:$seriesId) :: ERROR :: Series does not match TYPE: Daily or TAG: $sonarrSeriesEpisodeTrimmerTag, skipping..." exit fi # Skip processing if less than 14 episodes were found to be downloaded if [ $seriesEpisodeIdsCount -lt $maximumDailyEpisodes ]; then log "$seriesTitle (ID:$seriesId) :: ERROR :: Series has not exceeded $maximumDailyEpisodes downloaded episodes ($seriesEpisodeIdsCount files found), skipping..." exit fi # Begin processing "daily" series type seriesEpisodeData=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/episode?seriesId=$seriesId&apikey=$arrApiKey") seriesEpisodeIds=$(echo "$seriesEpisodeData"| jq -r " . | sort_by(.airDate) | reverse | .[] | select(.hasFile==true) | .id") processId=0 seriesRefreshRequired=false for id in $seriesEpisodeIds; do processId=$(( $processId + 1 )) episodeData=$(curl -s "http://localhost:8989/api/v3/episode/$id?apikey=$arrApiKey") episodeSeriesId=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".seriesId") if [ $processId -gt $maximumDailyEpisodes ]; then episodeTitle=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".title") episodeSeasonNumber=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".seasonNumber") episodeNumber=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".episodeNumber") episodeAirDate=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".airDate") episodeFileId=$(echo "$episodeData" | jq -r ".episodeFileId") # Unmonitor downloaded episode if greater than 14 downloaded episodes log "$seriesTitle (ID:$episodeSeriesId) :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: $episodeTitle :: Unmonitored Episode ID :: $id" umonitorEpisode=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/episode/monitor?apikey=$arrApiKey" -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw "{\"episodeIds\":[$id],\"monitored\":false}") # Delete downloaded episode if greater than 14 downloaded episodes log "$seriesTitle (ID:$episodeSeriesId) :: S${episodeSeasonNumber}E${episodeNumber} :: $episodeTitle :: Deleted File ID :: $episodeFileId" deleteFile=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/episodefile/$episodeFileId?apikey=$arrApiKey" -X DELETE) seriesRefreshRequired=true else # Skip if less than required 14 downloaded episodes exist log "$seriesTitle (ID:$episodeSeriesId) :: Skipping Episode ID :: $id" fi done if [ "$seriesRefreshRequired" = "true" ]; then # Refresh Series after changes log "$seriesTitle (ID:$episodeSeriesId) :: Refresh Series" refreshSeries=$(curl -s "$arrUrl/api/v3/command?apikey=$arrApiKey" -X POST --data-raw "{\"name\":\"RefreshSeries\",\"seriesId\":$episodeSeriesId}") fi exit