enableAudio="true" # true = enabled :: Enables the Audio script to run automatically
enableVideo="true" # true = enabled :: Enables the Video script to run automatically
dlClientSource="deezer" # deezer, tidal or both :: set to both, to use both clients, tidal requires extra steps, view logging output
topLimit="3" # This setting controls the amount of Top Artist (Albums/Tracks/Artists) to add to Lidarr from Deezer
addDeezerTopArtists="false" # true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Artist Chart to your existing Lidarr instance
addDeezerTopAlbumArtists="false" # true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Album Chart to your existing Lidarr instance
addDeezerTopTrackArtists="false" # true = enabled :: Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are on the Deezer Top Track Chart to your existing Lidarr instance
audioLyricType="both" # both or explicit or clean :: both, is explicit preferred matching, explicit is explicit releases only matching and clean is clean releases only matching
audioFormat="native" # native or alac or mp3 or aac or opus :: native is the native download client file type, selected by the matching audio bitrate
audioBitrate="lossless" # master or lossless or high or low or ### :: master = MQA/lossless flac files, lossless = flac files, high = 320K, low = 128k/96k, ### = the output bitrate of converted lossless files to selected audioFormat that is not native, example: 192...
addRelatedArtists="false" # true = enabled :: WARNING !!! WARNING !!! Enabling this can cause an endless loop of additional artists.... Enabling this will enable the extended script to automatically add artists that are related to your existing Lidarr artists from Tidal & Deezer
numberOfRelatedArtistsToAddPerArtist="1" # 1-20 :: This will limit the number of related artists to add per artist in your library :: Minimum is 1, Maximum is 20
lidarrSearchForMissing="true" # true = enabled :: When artists are added, search for them using Lidarr's built in functionality
beetsMatchPercentage="90" # 1-100 :: Set this to the minimum percentage required for Beets to match the downloaded album to a musicbrainz release :: Lower percentage is less restrictive
requireQuality="false" # true = enabled :: Downloads will be checked for quality and require to have the requested file format & quality
searchSort="date" # date or album :: Sorts the missing/cutoff list by release date (newest -> oldest) or album type (album -> single) for processing the list
enableReplaygainTags="true" # true = enabled :: Downloads will be tagged with Replaygain Metadata
arlToken="" # OPTIONAL (fallback using Freyr) - User ARL token for deemix client
matchDistance="5" # The number of changes required to transform the searched album title into a possible found album title match... (0, requires a perfect match)
enableBeetsTagging="true" # true = enabled :: Downloads will be processed and tagged by Beets
downloadPath="/config/extended/downloads" # Temporary download location that is used by the scripted download clients
addFeaturedVideoArtists="true" # true = enabled :: WARNING !!! WARNING !!! Enabling this can cause an endless loop of additional artists.... Enabling this will enable the extended Video script to automatically add Music Video Featured Artists to your existing Lidarr artists from IMVDB
videoFormat="bv[width>=1920]+ba" # ONLY CHANGE if you know what your doing, for guidence, please see yt-dlp documentation.