## Deploying using NixOS Requirements: - flakes - Have the `inputs` attrset avaiable in the module args. Add this flake to your inputs: ```nix inputs.kyouma-www.url = "git+https://woof.rip/emily/kyouma-net"; ``` Import the module and declare your config: ```nix { inputs, config, ... }: let kyouma-www = inputs.kyouma-www.packages.${config.nixpkgs.hostPlatform.system}; in { imports = [ inputs.kyouma-www.nixosModules.default ]; services.vyosBld = { enable = true; output = "/var/www/example.org/vyos"; buildFlags = { architecture = "amd64"; build-by = "foo@example.org"; build-type = "release"; version = "1.5-$(date %Y%m%d)"; }; }; services.nginx = { "example.org" = { root = kyouma-www.default; locations = { "/assets/media/".root = kyouma-www.vid; "/vyos/" = { root = config.services.vyosBld.output; extraConfig = '' autoindex on; autoindex_exact_size off; ''; }; }; }; }; } ```