#!/bin/bash #The Fingerprint of the PGP Public Key you want to use to encrypt your Backups PUBKEY="DB7D3FF57FB85CC81A1D4675371DB61AC29E4986" #Path of the Subvolumes to Backup SUBVOLS=("/" "/home") #Names that should be associated with the local Subvolumes on the remote storage #VOLNAME has to be in the same order as SUBVOLS to be interpreted correctly VOLNAME=("root" "home") #UUID of the Disk with the btrfs root BTRFSUUID="d1b20b8a-3cf4-41f7-bdc8-d50d53dc77c2" #btrfs volume too keep snapshots in SNAPDIR="/.snapshots/" #rclone Directory on remote storage RCLONEDIR="test:/mnt/bk/new/" #How many local snapshots should be kept KEEPLOCAL="10" #How often to run a full backup: "monthly" or "weekly" BKCYCLE="monthly" #Day when to run full Backup #can be specified multiple times 1-7 for weekely and 1-30 for monthly #example ("1" "5" "23") BKDAY=("1") #Suffix name for incremental/full backups and retention #example: [YYYY-mm-"full"] and will keep the last two backups #For full Backups dont set retention below 1 or you will always delete your current backup which renders all following incremental backups useless FULL=("full" "2") INCR=("incr" "1")